My cousin Katy is five years old. Yesterday, on Thanksgiving, she was sooooo bored. So I introduced her to the old dolls in the closet. She fell in love instantly. Instead of playing with the dolls, though, she got out all of the dolls' food and set it all out on the table. She came tugging at my shirt saying "come on, the food is ready we gotta eat!" I followed her upstairs and reached for a "cupcake" when she proceeds to say. "NO! We have to pray first!" Of course, silly me. ;) So we held hands and she says, "Dear God, we thank you for this delicious food. We also thank you for birthdays, and the seasons, and street shows so that the poor can earn money if the rich like their shows and wish to pay them money..." She went on, and on, and on, about all sorts of things she needed to thank God for then finished with, "I hope you don't get sick 'cause then we won't get anything. Love ya' God. Amen." It was really sweet. I figured, hey I mean if that's what she's thankful's Thanksgiving so why not thank Him for it? Props to Katy. :) Love ya'!
<3 Key
This is my new blog. I've gotten so addicted to gmail and now that I've learned that I can have a blogspot website. I'm so psyched about it. I hope you enjoy.
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Friday, November 23, 2012
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY! Okay so since it was on the twenty second I've decided to post 22 things I am thankful for. Post what you're thankful for in the comments!
- God, giving me the things, events, and people in my life that I need to keep going
- My twin sister for sticking by me through thick and thin
- My mother who is the planning queen and makes life all the more interesting for me
- My dad who is willing to help with any work that needs to get done
- My best friend, Sugar, who is such a great listener, sticks by me, laughs at all my jokes (funny or not) and most of all never fights with me no matter what
- My friend Kenster, who knows just how to make me happy when I'm sad, and give me something to do when I am bored
- My friend, Geo, who can always makes me smile and-believe it or not- has a ton in common with me
- My friend Katrina who makes the boring old school days interesting
- My guy friends who always add a little adventure in my life
- My other family who care about me so very much
- My friend Elizabeth who shares the fun times with me throughout all time
- Mr. Maxwell, my band director who has taught me so much
- Mrs. Skinner, my fifth grade social studies teacher, advisory teacher, UIL instructor, and drama club director who has taught me soooo much
- All of my English teachers who have helped me along the way of becoming a writer
- Mexican food. I know it's not as deep but I really like Mexican food
- Disney who, growing up, never failed to make me smile
- Shelter, because the weather in Texas is unforgiving
- Indoor plumbing/running water. If I couldn't take a shower daily God knows what I'd look like
- Baseball, the one sport I love and understand
- Music; Without music, my dreams would be crushed and I would never get anything done
- The neccessities: Air, food, water, clothes, etc.
- And my life on Earth, for without it I would not be as wise as I am- and getting wiser everyday.
Not to mention you guys who listen to me rant on and on about my boring life. :) <3 You
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Big Tex
Hey, hey, hey! So a lot of stuff has happened since I last blogged and I totally meant to blog before now (sorry about that) but life has been incredibly hectic. :P So back to me. Ha ha I'd like to talk about a pending topic, possibly something that will get this blog on Google Search results, you never know. Big Tex. If you live in Texas, you should know who this is. If not, you might. It was on national news. At the State Fair of Texas, there used to be this fifty-foot cowboy named Big Tex who would wave to you when you came to the fair and go "Howdy, folks, and welcome to the State Fair of Texas!" He was a pretty beast cowboy. That's not all he'd say but you get the gist. Well, yesterday he burned down in a fire that started with an electrical short (they think in his mouth) and all that was left was his skeleton and his arms. I'd like to list some fin facts about Big Tex for you:
~In 1949, Big Tex was a 49 foot Santa Claus at some store in Texas to try and prevent it from going out of business
~The Santa had 7 feet of unraveled rope for a beard
~When the store actually did go out of business, they sold him to the fair owner
~The owner then had Dickie's clothe him and make him look like a cowboy, rather than a Santa (Not as creepy a cowboy as he was a Santa)
~He stood, proudly welcoming fair goers, for sixty years
~This week (the week of his death) was the week the fair-workers chose to celebrate his sixtieth birthday
~He has always had various technical problems, but a fire was unexpected
Now for a series of pictures in memory of Big Tex, and showing his fiery state:

We love you Big Tex
~In 1949, Big Tex was a 49 foot Santa Claus at some store in Texas to try and prevent it from going out of business
~The Santa had 7 feet of unraveled rope for a beard
~When the store actually did go out of business, they sold him to the fair owner
~The owner then had Dickie's clothe him and make him look like a cowboy, rather than a Santa (Not as creepy a cowboy as he was a Santa)
~He stood, proudly welcoming fair goers, for sixty years
~This week (the week of his death) was the week the fair-workers chose to celebrate his sixtieth birthday
~He has always had various technical problems, but a fire was unexpected
Now for a series of pictures in memory of Big Tex, and showing his fiery state:
Friday, June 8, 2012
Back for SUMMER
Guuuuuyyyyyyssssss. It has been a while. I’ve been quite busy, with school and
whatnot. But, it is finally summer. And, though I plan to hang out with friends
and swim in the pool as much as possible, I will try to keep up with the blog because
I want to keep as many loyal fans as possible. Please email for advice.
Then, check out to find the advice that
I’ve posted under a title of the name that you used anonymously to ask for
advice! :)
<3 Key
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Ah, the fun of curley fries! No I will not spend this whole post talking about Arbies, although they are awesome...But, I recently got teeth pulled and so eating isn't as swell as it used to be. SIX TEETH WERE PULLED! Four of them were permenant!!!! Anyway so my Paw Paw's birthday is on the 31rst of January and we went out to dinner. Katy is the only cousin I have who is younger than me but Robert is the closest in age. he is fourteen and...interesting...He slowly scooped up salsa and then messed up my hair and said "ello, ello!" How wierd is that?! It is now a running inside joke between me and my sister to go "ello ello" when we want to laugh. Also CSI Neverland was performed at school.
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